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  Tayezhnaya Zhemchuzhina (Taiga Pearl)


Mineral therapeutic-table natural drinking water “Tayezhnaya Zhemchuzhina”, sparkling (blue bottle 2L, 1.5L and 0.5L) and still (white bottle 1.5L and 0.5L). 

Therapeutic-table hydrocarbonate  magnesium-calcium, siliceous water “Tayezhnaya Zhemchuzhina” from the well No. 29-bis complies with the Russian national standard GOST R 54316-2011 “Mineral Natural Drinking Waters” and the technical regulations of the Customs Union CU TR 021/2011, CU TR 022/2011.

The bottled mineral therapeutic-table natural water from the well No. 29-bis “Tayezhnaya Zhemchuzhina” can be used for prophylactic and curative purposes by those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases,  chronic colitis and enterocolitis, chronic hepatic disorders and bile ducts diseases, metabolic diseases.






Tayezhnaya Zhemchuzhina Tselebnaya (Taiga Pearl Healing)


The bottled mineral therapeutic-table natural water from the well No. 29-bis “Tayezhnaya Zhemchuzhina” sparkling (green bottle 1.5L and 0.5L) and still (white bottle 1.5L and 0.5L) can be used for prophylactic and curative purposes by those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases,  chronic colitis and enterocolitis, chronic hepatic disorders and bile ducts diseases, metabolic diseases

Therapeutic-table hydrocarbonate  magnesium-calcium, siliceous water “Tayezhnaya Zhemchuzhina healing water” from the well No. 47-78 complies with the Russian national standard GOST R 54316-2011 “Mineral Natural Drinking Waters” and the technical regulations of the Customs Union CU TR 021/2011, CU TR 022/2011.

The bottled mineral therapeutic-table natural water from the well No. 47-78 “Tayezhnaya Zhemchuzhina healing water” can be used for prophylactic and curative purposes by those who suffer from chronic gastritis with normal and high acidity of gastric juice,  gastrointestinal diseases,  chronic colitis and enterocolitis, chronic hepatic disorders and bile ducts diseases, chronic pancreatitis, metabolic diseases.










визитов: Рейтинг@Mail.ru Rambler's Top100